Obama, Destroying America From Within

For those of you who may be suffering from the delusion that we have a President who is acting in the best interests of America, and We The People, I am writing this article to disillusion you.

Barack Hussein Obama is a very intelligent man and he knew many, many years before he took office, that America could not be destroyed from without, it would have to be destroyed from within.  He did not become President of the United States by chance, it was by design.   George Soros, who actively supports the idea of a New World Order, knew this, and this is why he helped finance Obama’s campaign for the Presidency.  And, this is why he is helping to finance Hillary Clinton’s campaign, this election cycle.

Obama has increased our national debt, almost doubling the amount, since he assumed office from the previous administration.  He has weakened our military and he has placed Muslim’s in key positions, including, but, not limited to the Department of Homeland Security and even the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is rumored to be a convert.

The Obama administration has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, and we have terrorist organizations operating, openly, within the United States.  We have terrorist training camps inside the United States.

Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, is threatening to prosecute American citizens for anti-Islam rhetoric, and has formed an alliance with the United Nations, forming an organization called the Strong City Network, which targets ‘right wing extremist’, which is defined as anyone who owns a gun, ammunition and target practices.

Many major cities in the United States have already ceded control of local law enforcement to the United Nations.

President Barack Obama refuses to address Islam as an enemy to the United States, or even use the term ‘radical Islam’.  He continues to refer to Islam as a religion, when, indeed.. it is not!  Islam is a large group of people who share a totalitarian ideology,  who embrace Sharia Law,  which is in direct conflict with the United States constitution.  This ideology is based on a book, called the Quran, which idolized a man named Muhammed, who was a rapist, pedophile and murderer.  And, we are being told by Obama that Islam is a religion of peace, that we should embrace.

The following is a list of quotes made by Barack Obama, regarding Islam:

1. “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”

2. “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

3. “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”

4. “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”

5. “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”

6. “Islam has always been part of America”

7. “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”

8. “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

9. “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

10. “I made it clear that America is not – and will never be – at war with Islam.”

11. “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”

12. “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”

13. “In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”

14. “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

15. “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”

16. “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”

17. “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”

18. “We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”

19. “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

20. “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”

Frankly, I find the teachings of the Quran to be offensive, and, as a christian I disavow Islam as a whole, as their teachings are in direct conflict with what I read in my Bible.   I know that this will not sit well with Barack Obama, his administration, including Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the current Democratic presumptive nominee, Hillary Clinton, but, I will not apologize and I will not be silenced.

Unless the constitution has been eradicated, overnight, without my knowledge, I do still have freedom of speech and religion.

When I consider the attack in San Bernardino,  where 14 innocent American lives were lost, due to a vicious attack by 2 people who were of ‘radical Islam’,  and then I take into consideration the attack in Orlando, Florida at Pulse Nightclub, where 49 lives were cut short, and 53 more people were injured, from the bullets of a radicalized Islamist, I can only hope and pray that Donald J. Trump is elected President in November, and we can rid ourselves of Barrack Hussein Obama.

If anyone is considering casting their vote for Hillary Clinton, please be advised that she accepts money from countries who support Islam and Sharia Law.  Clinton shares Obama’s beliefs and she would carry out his desire to destroy American sovereignty and would incorporate the United States into a Sharia-compliant body of nations, whose goal is to invoke a New World Order. 

The time for choosing has arrived.  Patriots, we must all unite and stand with Donald Trump, in order to preserve our constitution and our sovereignty.  Our forefather’s founded this nation and drew up the constitution to ensure that we remain a free people. Many great men and women have fought, bled and died to preserve our freedom, and we must do whatever is necessary to preserve it for the generations that will follow us.

Let us all pray, without ceasing, that God will place a hedge of protection around our country and those that believe in him.


15 thoughts on “Obama, Destroying America From Within

  1. No, thank you. I don’t fold my tent and leave, just because I don’t like a situation. Instead, I campaign, religiously, on behalf of someone who can change the situation. The man that will salvage what Obama has not managed to destroy in this country, is Donald J. Trump. Currently, we are living in a Crippled America, but, by the grace of God, and with the leadership of Mr. Trump, We The People are going to, once again, rebuild this country, and we will make America greater than she has ever been before. I would love for you to join the rest of the nation in this tremendous undertaking, as the reward’s will be tremendous.

    Liked by 1 person


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you publishing this truthful article. Unfortunately, I feel that Barack is no where close to being done and I don’t foresee him walking off into the Sunset on November 8th. Something will happen to either postpone the election or our beloved country erupts in riots, thus causing the cancellation of the elections. I can even picture a sceneries where the rumor of the Russians altering the election totals or process will stop the election.
      Bottom line will be the birth of a dictator and the end of our country as we know it. If Hillary can somehow gain a substantial lead then he will allow her to become president. If Trump pulls it out then 1 of the above will happen. Funny. I felt this way 4 years ago. His whole presidency doesn’t make sense and it never has. Let me know what you think. My email is chrisandlizzy0217@yahoo.com
      Any comments are welcome.


      1. Unfortunately, I tend to agree with your analysis and prognosis. The only hope that we, as Patriots, have is to try to keep the public informed, and encourage them all to protest, loudly. In the meantime, we must all pray, without ceasing, as what seems impossible to us, is possible with God. James Madison wrote the first amendment to protect the Bible, particularly the King James Version, see my article on The Black Pope, and the first amendment is the sword of the spirit. He added the second amendment to protect the first amendment, which is known as the sword of defense. If our Bible and our guns are ever taken from us, we are defenseless. Therefore, with this being said, we must all pray, and we must all prepare to defend. Lock and Load. God Bless You.


  3. The bigger problem in this country is people who read this article and agree. Radical Islam is competing for Christian Ignorance for most dangerous evil in our world.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Excellent essay, Ms. Kazmierski! Thanks for listing the current president’s many false statements about the Left’s favorite extreme religion. He is no student of history, he insults true Americans to their very core, and his claims about the nature of that cult are total twaddle. He, Angela Merkel, and HItlery are determined to see the civiiized world annihilated by militant, uneducated barbarians, the very sort of people the Left has always pretended to detest. These corrupt leaders have turned the world on its head.

    Only Donald J. Trump cared enough to do something about what is happening to this country; he has been commenting for decades on the devolution forced by a Democrat party that is owned by the New World Order, and enabled by the worldwide media machine, which is solidly Leftist and marches in lockstep with each other OR ELSE. It’s incredible,and I take that word seriously, that any one man can thwart the evils that have confronted him from June 16th, 2015 onward, and with superhuman energy go forth each day no matter what the oppressive, pervasive Globalist cabal says about him. Donald J. Trump, in reality, is exceedingly popular worldwide, despite the vicious propaganda spewed by media and political elites, Hollywood and billionaires who exploit the world’s poor for cheap labor, all of whom have a dog in that nasty hunt for ever-more power and riches.

    Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence,by contrast, want every one of us American citizens to be enriched via the opportunities and improved conditions they are going to create. They want to undo the ridiculous damage that has been done in the past eight years of insanity. They constitute the strongest, most benevolent and intelligent leadership team in U.S. history. Tomorrow, Mr. Trump will announce and explain his economic plan in Detroit, Michigan, a city which has been all but ruined by decades of Democrat policies.

    Like you, I am praying fervently. Donald Trump and Mike Pence are men of faith, sacrificing their energy and comforts for us all. They are the ideal conservative team to restore America, which was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles. All other candidates for president have been compromised and hopelessly confused by giving in to blackmail, bribery, threats, and perverse pop-culture. Trump and Pence have great convictions and values that cannot be diminished in this war of attrition. I believe that good shall triumph over evil in our fight for national survival, and we couldn’t have chosen a more apt duo to be our champions–our individual liberties are in their capable hands.

    I discovered your WordPress blog on Twitter, Rhonda, because we follow some of the same Tweeters. I have a blog here, as well, dedicated to disseminating information about Donald J. Trump’s candidacy and positions (you can see it and my profile by clicking on my avatar), mainly because so-called news media are all following the fashion of Trump-bashin”. Together, we are fighting the unjust, unfounded, monolithic media blackout on the true intentions and sterling character of our heroic candidate. Thanks for listening. At Twitter, I am: @Jeanne_de_St_A
    I’m following you on Twitter, and your informative blog.
    “Lady Blogs for Trump”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Excellent essay, Ms. Kazmierski! Thanks for listing the current president’s many false statements about the Left’s favorite extreme religion. He is no student of history, he insults true Americans to their very core, and his claims about the nature of that cult are total twaddle. He, Angela Merkel, and HItlery are determined to see the civiiized world annihilated by militant, uneducated barbarians, the very sort of people the Left has always pretended to detest. These corrupt leaders have turned the world on its head.

    Only Donald J. Trump cared enough to do something about what is happening to this country; he has been commenting for decades on the devolution forced by a Democrat party that is owned by the New World Order, and enabled by the worldwide media machine, which is solidly Leftist and marches in lockstep with each other OR ELSE. It’s incredible,and I take that word seriously, that any one man can thwart the evils that have confronted him from June 16th, 2015 onward. With superhuman energy, he goes forth each day no matter what the oppressive, pervasive Globalist cabal says about him. Donald J. Trump, in reality, is exceedingly popular worldwide, despite the vicious propaganda spewed by media and political elites, Hollywood and billionaires who exploit the world’s poor for cheap labor, all of whom have a dog in that nasty hunt for ever-more power and riches.

    Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence, by contrast, want every one of us American citizens to be enriched via the opportunities and improved conditions they are going to create. They want to undo the ridiculous damage that has been done in the past eight years of insanity. They constitute the strongest, most benevolent and intelligent leadership team in U.S. history. Tomorrow, Mr. Trump will announce and explain his economic plan in Detroit, Michigan, a city which has been all but ruined by decades of Democrat policies.

    Like you, I am praying fervently. Donald Trump and Mike Pence are men of faith, sacrificing their energy and comforts for us all. They are the ideal conservative team to restore America, which was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles. All other candidates for president have been compromised and hopelessly confused by giving in to blackmail, bribery, threats, and perverse pop-culture. Trump and Pence have great convictions and values that cannot be diminished in this war of attrition. I believe that good shall triumph over evil in our fight for national survival, and we couldn’t have chosen a more apt duo to be our champions–our individual liberties are in their capable hands.

    I discovered your WordPress blog on Twitter, Rhonda, because we follow some of the same Tweeters. I have a blog here, as well, dedicated to disseminating information about Donald J. Trump’s candidacy and positions (you can see it and my profile by clicking on my avatar), mainly because so-called news media are all following the fashion of Trump-bashin’. Together, we are fighting the unjust, unfounded, monolithic media blackout on the true intentions and sterling character of our heroic candidate. Thanks for listening. At Twitter, I am: @Jeanne_de_St_A
    I’m following you on Twitter, and your informative blog.
    “Lady Blogs for Trump”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. God Bless You! It is my honor to follow you, which I have just done. We are in a war of good vs. evil, and it will require people like you and I, who are willing to put on the whole armor of God, and step forward, boldly, and expose truth. A lie has never been able to overcome truth, and we will win this war, because WE ARE TRUTH.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I truly believe this! It’s scary and she needs to be stopped! We the people of the United States need to take stand and see what’s going on. She “Hillary” is behind Obama 110%. You people who support her. You just wait! You think things are bad with ISIS?… It’s going to be a tragic nightmare for AMERICA. SO REALLY THINK ABOUT THIS AMERICA! GOD BLESS!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, sir. I am fixing to write an article referencing, the Prophet Zechariah. It should be obvious, the parallels between the current administrations leadership, as well as the same leadership that Hillary Clinton will continue.


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